Zenni Hosts Back-to-School Vision Screening with Community Goods

Community Goods logo featuring a globe with peace sign hands, an "X," and Zenni logo.

This past August, Zenni partnered with the Chicago Blackhawks Foundation and Chicago’s premier designer Joe Fresh Goods along with his organization Community Goods to get kids grades 6-12 ready to take on the new school year.

Children are getting their face painted using a paint palette with multiple colors.

Over 200 children received a back-to-school vision screening by optometry students at Midwestern University College of Optometry, with help from certified screeners from Prevent Blindness, Lion’s Club, and Illinois School Health Services. Children who needed glasses received referrals to local eyecare providers and a Zenni voucher to order a free pair of glasses online. Zenni has been at the forefront of eyewear and eye health supporting various organizations around the country.

Child and woman smiling, wearing reflective glasses. Text on banner: "Protect your eyes from blue light."

Dr. Jenny Geevarghese supervised students from Midwestern University College of Optometry and said, “we saw kids that presented with strabismus, and other forms of binocular vision dysfunction like convergence insufficiency. Many of the kids presented with hyperopia, myopia, and astigmatism, often not even realizing they had an issue. Others may have already had glasses and were grateful to see if they needed to update their prescription and to even receive the voucher to be able to get a backup pair.”

Sunglasses in purple Cynthia Rowley cases on the left.

Community Goods is a nonprofit based out of Chicago that works to inspire and engage youth through the arts. Their goal is to build leadership skills, teamwork, and citizenship through creative expression. Unfortunately around the country, arts education is often underfunded. Its mission is to close this gap and provide local youth the ability to be creative and engaged in their community.