Back to School Checklist

As the back-to-school season approaches, ensuring your child’s eyesight is in top shape is paramount for their academic success and overall well-being. This checklist will guide you through essential steps to maintain optimal eye health throughout the school year. From monitoring vision changes to promoting a nutritious diet and creating a conducive study environment, these proactive measures will help protect your child’s eyes from strain and potential issues, allowing them to focus on learning and enjoying their educational journey to the fullest. Let’s explore how you can prioritize your child’s eye health as they head back to school.

Back to school written in pink chalk on a blackboard with school supplies around it.

Photo by Oleksandr P

Monitor Vision Changes

As you prepare your child for the new school year, it’s essential to prioritize their eye health. Keep an eye out for any signs of vision changes that could affect their learning and overall well-being. Look for clues such as squinting, sitting too close to screens or TVs, or complaints of blurry vision. If you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to schedule a visit with an eye care professional promptly. Early detection and treatment can make a significant difference in your child’s academic performance and daily comfort.

Eye-Friendly Diet

A nutritious diet plays a vital role in maintaining good vision. Encourage your child to include foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E in their meals. These nutrients are essential for eye health and can be found in foods such as carrots, oranges, strawberries, spinach, and other leafy greens. Making these foods a regular part of their diet can support their vision and overall growth throughout the school year.

Two children preparing food; one mixing a salad, the other chopping tomatoes on a cutting board.

Photo by Kampus Production

Proper Lighting for Study Areas

Proper lighting is key to preventing eye strain, especially during homework sessions and reading time. Ensure your child’s study area is well-lit with ambient light that evenly illuminates their workspace. Avoid harsh glare from windows or overhead lights by using task lighting with adjustable brightness levels. Creating a comfortable environment with adequate lighting can enhance their focus and reduce the risk of eye fatigue.

Healthy Eye Habits

Instilling good habits early on can protect your child’s eyes from potential harm. Teach them the importance of not rubbing their eyes, especially when they feel itchy or irritated. Encourage frequent handwashing to prevent the spread of germs that could cause eye infections. Additionally, remind your child to wear protective eyewear during sports and outdoor activities to shield their eyes from injuries.

Optometry equipment used for an eye exam on a young patient by an eye care professional.

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

By incorporating these tips into your back-to-school routine, you can help safeguard your child’s eye health and set them up for a successful academic year. Start the school year off right with an exam and new glasses for your child—they’ll thank you for it!

ZENNI Kids Glasses. Shop now.

Photograph of Dr. Steven Liem

Dr. Steven Liem

Dr. Steven Liem, O.D., F.A.A.O. is an optometrist based in Pasadena, California. After obtaining his doctorate from UC Berkeley’s School of Optometry, he completed his residency in Pediatrics, Vision Therapy & Rehabilitation and became a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry. When he isn’t busy streaming or making Youtube videos about video games, Dr. Liem aims to broaden accessibility to vision health through his involvement in optometric industry and tech.